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5 Myths of Plastic Surgery Disproven

5 Common Myths of Plastic Surgery Disproven Houston

As most are aware, plastic surgery has become more and more popular as time progresses. Stigmas that once hindered patients from partaking in cosmetic solutions have been broken down, and many seek to meet their aesthetic goals through specific plastic surgery procedures.

However, there are still a handful of misconceptions surrounding the field of plastic surgery. Dr Fortes and our Houston plastic surgery team want to ensure that these cosmetic surgery myths are dispelled, and you can be confident in your decision to undergo an aesthetic procedure. So, here are 5 plastic surgery misconceptions…

  1. Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Look Natural

People tend to point to botched or poorly done plastic surgeries and say that it is unnatural or fake. However, we can’t judge plastic surgery by the ones that are done poorly. You likely pass hundreds of people each month that have had cosmetic procedures done that go completely unnoticed. A good plastic surgeon, like Dr. Fortes, will pride themselves on performing each procedure in an optimal way to leave a natural, beautiful look that you can be proud of. Don’t let the botched surgeries keep you from a great one!

  1. Only Women Get Plastic Surgery

While it is true that there is a much higher percentage of women that get plastic surgeries than men, over a million men get plastic surgery each year, with that number constantly growing! Many men partake in facial surgeries, gynecomastia, and plenty of other options.

  1. Only the Rich Can Afford Plastic Surgery

    Many people believe that plastic surgery or enhancements are only accessible to the wealthy and famous, but most people can access its benefits. To enhance your confidence and enhance your life, many plastic surgeons offer a range of financial and payment plans. However, it is important to note that opting for the cheapest option may not always yield the best results. When selecting a surgeon and procedure, it is important to consider various factors such as the quality of work performed by the surgeon and your level of comfort and trust in them.

  2. Breast Augmentation Affects Having Children and Breastfeeding

    Breast augmentation surgery involves the placement of breast implants between the chest wall and the breast tissue. This procedure is designed to avoid any interference with the breast ducts or mammary glands responsible for milk production and secretion.

  3. Liposuction is a Quick and Easy Way to Lose Weight

    Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that is not intended for weight loss purposes. Liposuction is designed to eliminate persistent fat deposits from various areas of the body. The procedure is most suitable for individuals who maintain a healthy weight but struggle with stubborn fat in specific areas that are resistant to various attempts at removal. A reputable surgeon will not even entertain liposuction unless the patient is at a healthy overall weight.

Don’t Be Deterred

If you feel that plastic surgery could help you meet your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fortes today. Do not let myths and fear keep you from partaking in a procedure that could potentially boost your confidence, your health, and your wellbeing. Call today!

Care You Can Trust

Place your trust in deserving hands. Explore state-of-the-art options and design your personalized treatment plan with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Fortes. Your best results are within reach.