(713) 489-7996 Appointment


in Houston, TX


Treatment performed by physician only. Sclerotherapy is a micro-injection technique in which a concentrated saline solution is injected into the undesired tiny blood vessels using an extremely small needle. This dries out the cells that line the blood vessels with scar tissue so they cease to carry blood and therefore no longer visible. The appearance of the vessels may continue to improve for up to one or two months after the treatment. You will be reschedule for an evaluation one month after your treatment. Each injection will cause a brief stinging sensation. Bandages will be applied to each injection site and you will be asked to purchase and wear compression stockings to maintain pressure on the treated veins. Although each patient is different, most patients will need 2 to 3 treatments (separated by at least a month). The goal is to produce about 75% improvement. Between treatments, you are free to carry on your normal activities. You should keep the bandages on your legs dry and in place until the next morning. At that time you may bathe and remove the bandages. Wear your compression stockings the first night, then during the day only for the next 1-2 weeks. You should walk at least 30 minutes a day, starting the day of the procedure, for at least a week. Avoid heavy lifting, high-impact exercise and weight machines for your legs for the first week.

Beauty is Good For the Soul!

- Dr. Paul Fortes

Care You Can Trust

Place your trust in deserving hands. Explore state-of-the-art options and design your personalized treatment plan with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Fortes. Your best results are within reach.