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Causes and Solutions of Aging in the Eye Area

Causes and Solutions of Aging in the Eye Area  Houston

Haute Beauty interviewed Dr. Paul F. Fortes to discuss causes of aging in the eye areas, as well as potential surgical and non-surgical cosmetic solutions. 

Haute Beauty: What causes eye area aging, and what options do you offer to reverse aging in the eye area?

Dr. Paul Fortes: Eye aging occurs due to changes to the eyelid skin and support structures around the eyelids. These changes occur not only from natural aging, but also from other factors such as ultraviolet exposure or long-term smoking.

Our eye areas experience a progressive loss of collagen and elastin, which leads to sagging eyelid skin. Fat loss of the cheeks also leads to hollowed areas below the lower eyelids. Finally, forehead sagging can lead to a more aged appearance in the upper eyelids.

Fortunately there are surgical and non-surgical procedures that can be done to reverse eye-related aging. Surgical options include eyelid lifts, brow lifts, and fat grafting of the cheeks, forehead, and temples. Non-surgical procedures include laser resurfacing, chemical peels, injectable fillers, and Botox. 

HB: What are each of these treatments like?

Dr. Fortes: Surgical options generally have a period of downtime from one to two weeks following the procedure in order to recover from swelling and bruising.

Non-surgical procedures have a quicker recovery and often minimal to nonexistent downtime. Botox, fillers, and light chemical peels are all quick and easy procedures that are done with local anesthesia or sometimes no anesthesia at all. In most cases, you can quickly return to normal activities. 

HB: Who is a good candidate for each eye-aging solution, and who is a bad candidate?

Dr. Fortes: Chemical laser peels are best for patients that have fair complexions, as they can be riskier for darker-skinned patients. Surgical procedures require that patients have generally good health, or at least health conditions that are both under control and do not directly relate to procedural areas. 

Most minor procedures such as fillers and Botox are fine for any patient.

HB: What is the cost for eye-aging solution procedures?

Dr. Fortes: The cost of surgical procedures such as eyelid and brow lifts, or fat grafting surgeries, usually come within a $5,000 to $10,000 range. This includes facility costs and general anesthesia.

Minor, non-surgical office procedures can range from $350 (for something like Botox for crow’s feet) and a few thousand dollars (for multiple area Botox treatments).

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Place your trust in deserving hands. Explore state-of-the-art options and design your personalized treatment plan with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Fortes. Your best results are within reach.