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The Mommy Makeover

Why You Should Consider a Mommy Makeover Houston

The “Mommy Makeover” is a growing trend of procedures for mothers to help them recover from the physical toll that pregnancy and childbirth can take on their bodies.

A mommy makeover is a collection of aesthetic cosmetic procedures that may include some or all of the following:

  • Brazilian butt lift
  • Liposuction
  • Fat Grafting
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • and other options as well

The procedures chosen are unique to each patient and are tailored to help them achieve their aesthetic body goals.

Patients will begin with a consultation with an expert who will review their medical history, discuss their goals, and determine which procedures will help them achieve the desired outcome.

Here are  5 major reasons to consider a Mommy Makeover with Dr. Fortes:

1. You appear and feel younger! When you are pregnant, your entire body changes. This includes the breasts, abdomen, thighs, glutes, and a variety of other areas. Without the assistance of some aesthetic procedures, both muscles and skin may not be able to return to their original functions. A mommy makeover can assist in restoring the body’s former functionality. Moms who want to regain their former firmness and elasticity can do so with a mommy makeover.

2. Boost your self-esteem! Your confidence in yourself will be restored as your body is restored. And you are deserving of it! Having the body you want leads to increased self-confidence in all aspects of your life.

3. Get rid of your aches and pains! Being a new mom comes with its own set of aches and pains. However, not all of these symptoms are the result of increased responsibility and a lack of sleep. Childbirth aftereffects can include pains caused by weak abdominal muscles or excess fat. Mommy makeovers include treatments that help in these areas, as well as rid you of pain.

4. Package multiple procedures to save money! If you get each procedure separately over time, the costs will add up. Mommy makeovers include significant savings for completing all of these procedures at the same time. You’ll get all of the advantages at a fraction of the cost!

5. Reduce your overall recovery time! Combining procedures not only lowers the cost of achieving your desired body results, but it also shortens overall recovery time. Each procedure can take weeks to recover from. Each time you schedule a procedure, you’ll need to plan for recovery time, take time off work, and enlist the assistance of others. A mommy makeover requires a lengthy recovery period, but you will only have to go through it once.

It is critical to understand that a mommy makeover is best suited for women who have completed childbirth. If you intend to have more children, you should postpone surgeries because you may need more after the next child. If you know this is the last one, go ahead and treat yourself to the youthful, attractive appearance you deserve!

Contact Dr. Fortes today if you believe a mommy makeover is an option for you. We can go over all of the possible procedures, discuss recovery and other details, and address any additional questions or concerns you may have. Call us right away!

Care You Can Trust

Place your trust in deserving hands. Explore state-of-the-art options and design your personalized treatment plan with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Fortes. Your best results are within reach.